How Bloomy Works

Discover the best wellness experiences and save on your favorite wellness brands

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"Forget spending hours searching online! Bloomy is my go to for finding the best wellness stuff near me. You can even filter by what you're into and where you are. So easy!"

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Kelli M., Bloomy Member
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Sign up for a free account to personalize your experience and save your favorite finds.

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Save Money:

Access exclusive discounts and perks at hundreds of wellness businesses exclusive to you as a Bloomy Member!

"I would have never heard about Pause if not for Bloomy, absolutely love using my Bloomy member discount to do Float Therapy at Pause's Brentwood studio."

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Matt F., Bloomy Member
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Book Experiences, Shop Products:

Once you find what you love, you can easily book and purchase directly through Bloomy and our partners.

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